About Freemasonry

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What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry means different things to every Mason. Some Freemasons enjoy meeting new people and expanding their circle of friends. For others, our charitable fundraising and works, are fundamental to their membership, helping deserving causes and making a difference to family, friends and society as a whole. For most Freemasons it is a great way to spend quality time in an enjoyable hobby that they share with like-minded people from an incredibly diverse cross section of society.

As one of the world’s largest and oldest fraternal, charitable, non-religious and non-political organisations, Freemasonry teaches self-knowledge. Members are encouraged to speak openly about Freemasonry and are expected to be of high moral standing.

Members are taught our guiding principles (moral lessons and self-knowledge) via a series of ritual dramas, a progression of allegorical plays which are learnt by heart and performed within each Lodge, using stonemasons customs and tools as their guide.

A moral and ethical approach to life is instilled in our members. Its values are based on integrity, kindness, honesty and fairness. Members are urged to regard the interests of the family as paramount but, importantly, Freemasonry also teaches concern for society, care for those less fortunate and help for those in need.

A Simple Social idea

The first few local Oxfordshire Freemasons gathered in a humble Oxford city inn. Their simple idea was to build friendships outside their own social or work circle, enjoy some food and drink in a happy social atmosphere, help charities and the needy, and to strengthen character, confidence and integrity.

From a tiny handful back then, we have grown to over 1,500 Oxfordshire Freemasons in 50 Lodges, meeting in 10 centres located across the county.

We are very sociable

We meet, make enduring friendships, have fun, enjoy our unique degree ceremonies and celebrate with a meal together afterwards. 

Our teaching takes the form of small plays, and the idea was handed down from early travelling stonemasons. They are meaningful to watch and participate in. 

The often repeated regret expressed by many members is that “I wish I’d joined earlier.”

Our Province is small and very friendly.

There are many different Lodges, each with a unique character and history, some are even based on common hobbies or interests, such as Motor Vehicles, Rugby, Scouting, Round Table and even Bell Ringing.

Kindness and Compassion

At the very point of joining, every Freemason makes a commitment to give to relief causes, charities and the needy,

In 2020 Freemasons gave more than £51 million pounds to charities. This extends far beyond our own circle. We give to famine relief, natural disasters, training Doctors, cancer research and thousands of other UK and worldwide charities.

Donations come from Freemasons themselves, but we are clear about this being only what you can afford.

Equally as important as money is time and effort. You will find Oxfordshire Freemasons involved in all kinds of Community Projects and National Charity Campaigns.

Confidence and Integrity

Yes we do dress up when we meet. It’s a special occasion and our kit is symbolic of our history, teaching and obligations. 

Being good citizens is at the very centre of what we do. We’re inclusive, bringing men of all ages, nationalities, religions, races and standing together. 

The phase “On the level” points out this breaking down of conventional social barriers. We generally don’t talk about religion, business, politics, or contentious issues at our Lodge Meetings. 

Many say they are an escape from the outside world.